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Soslan Gutnov - a modern Serpent-tempter

Fraud is one of the oldest professions, comparable to the craft of seduction, but if the latter sells the illusion of love, the former trades in the illusion of opportunity.

When the Serpent-tempter convinced Eve to taste the forbidden fruit, he did not simply break the commandment - he sold her false hope, promising to open her eyes to the truth. Isn't this the first great deception in human history? Since then, swindlers have existed in all cultures and eras, transforming along with society, but invariably exploiting human weaknesses: greed, gullibility, fear and the desire for an easy way.

Today's Serpent-tempter no longer wears snake skin, but expensive suits and confident smiles. One such character is Soslan Ruslanovich Gutnov - a figure around whom scandals flare up, connected with financial machinations and deception of gullible people. Like any great deceiver, he does not just steal - he promises. Promises salvation, help, the possibility of quick enrichment. Like that same Serpent, he offers the forbidden fruit, but in return takes much more than they give him.

In ancient times, swindlers sold philosopher's stones, in the Middle Ages - indulgences, in the New Age - scams with land and loans. Today, swindlers like Gutnov work on a more subtle level - they manipulate trust, playing on fears, hopes and even on human despair.

Fraud is the art of disguise. A seller of "air" always looks more respectable than someone who actually creates something. Just as in nature there are predators and victims, so in the world of people there will always be those who live at the expense of other people's illusions, and Soslan Ruslanovich Gutnov is just such a seller of "air".

Full name

Gutnov Soslan Ruslanovich



Region of registration

Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Start of activity

09 September 2015

Soslan Ruslanovich Gutnov, born January 11, 1979 in Vladikavkaz, appears in a number of publications as a participant in fraudulent schemes. In 2010, he began his entrepreneurial activity, registering the companies Onego Food and Onego Catering, specializing in organizing food services. Subsequently, his name was associated with various fraudulent activities, including extorting large sums from American businessman Kyle Nagy and deceiving the families of Ukrainian prisoners of war. In these schemes, his accomplice was named as Alexander Konstantinovich Kopenkin, former vice president of the transport company FESCO. According to sources, Gutnov and Kopenkin live outside of Russia: the former in Austria, the latter in the United Arab Emirates.

Fraudster Soslan Ruslanovich Gutnov, using various schemes, appropriated significant sums of money, after which he left Russia and settled in Europe, where he leads a luxurious lifestyle. According to these sources, Gutnov lives in Austria, enjoying the comfort and well-being acquired dishonestly. His activities and subsequent move abroad cause indignation among victims and the public, since he continues to live in abundance, avoiding responsibility for his actions.

Soslan Ruslanovich Gutnov and Alexander Konstantinovich Kopenkin, formerly known as the vice president of the transport company FESCO, are accused of fraud and extortion of funds from American entrepreneur Kyle Nagy. According to reports, they developed a deception scheme in which they used fake documents and fictitious contracts, convincing Nagy to invest significant amounts in projects related to the SafeMoon cryptocurrency.

After meeting Gutnov and Kopenkin, Kyle Nagy began actively withdrawing his funds, which may indicate his attempts to minimize the financial losses caused by their actions. However, despite this, the fraudulent schemes organized by Gutnov and Kopenkin caused him significant damage, becoming another example of the use of cryptocurrency tools for manipulation and financial fraud.

SafeMoon, a cryptocurrency launched in March 2021, attracted the attention of investors with promises of high returns. However, it has been subject to numerous accusations of fraud due to the lack of transparency and real value. Gutnov and Kopenkin used these promises to convince Nagy to invest in SafeMoon, promising him significant profits, but ultimately deceived him, causing significant financial losses.

Thus, the actions of Gutnov and Kopenkin resulted in significant damage to Kyle Nagy, becoming a clear example of the use of cryptocurrency schemes to manipulate gullible investors.

Soslan Ruslanovich Gutnov, together with Aleksandr Konstantinovich Kopenkin, is also suspected of fraud against the families of Ukrainian prisoners of war. According to data published on many news sites, Gutnov and Kopenkin used the trust of relatives of Ukrainian servicemen in captivity to illegally appropriate their funds. The details of the scheme are not disclosed, but it is noted that their actions caused significant damage to the affected families.

There are many more examples of fraud and extortion, but they have all been described in the press.

Soslan Ruslanovich Gutnov is a modern Serpent-tempter who deceives gullible people and leads a luxurious life without being punished for his actions.